He is Sandro Chinchaladze (TeTe) – vocals, sound FX, guitar, midi, programming and songwriter – and together with Gocha Baqradze – guitar, midi, FX, keyboards – he is leading the musical project "Me and My Monkey". A couple of recoded songs, one video, no official concerts yet, but intensive work can be counted for the one year old "band".
In the very beginning there was an official profession, which artists usually don't follow, though TeTe's profession didn't exclude the arts at all – he is a film director. However, he prefers music and works in music as a consequence of a decision he made a long time ago. The young guitar player and vocalist managed to go through different projects, worked on typically diverse styles in music and partners and gained a considerable experience by these musical expeditions.
Projects he finds worth mentioning are the folk band "Iberioni" with an interesting (at least verbal) characterization of its distinct form: Celtic-Georgian folk accompanied by classical and acoustic instruments. I didn't really have a chance to test this music, but the description doesn't talk negatively about its makers. Later there was a band "The Neverland ", for which Sandro was a guitarist and vocalist; the band probably deserves a more comprehensive introduction, but not here and now, as much as it will take us too far. Just to put a small info, the band existed until the really recent past, but by far "Me and My Monkey" is the single most active project in which the musician is involved.
To move to the subject more precisely, I should probably need to prove why this band is on this page devoted to progressive contemporary Georgian artists, who make art currently and make it well. The boy shaped out above, seems to be quite talented and enthusiastic. What I actually like about this small community of two is an awareness about their creation, reasonable steps, calm and productive move towards the target. They don't overdo it with experiments and don't suffer from "star syndromes" (ok they are not stars, but not everyone who experiences this disease is really a star). Their music is enjoyably acceptable not only for the rare listeners, easily adopting with innovations and sometimes considering experimental and chaotic as equal, but also common ones who don't go into merges and just like to experience new music. So, consequently, it's sort of polished experimental, having its clear combinative direction with electronic, rock and indie.
In December 2007 the band presented the first video on "Efedrin", which demonstrates drug addiction drugs, but is not for, but against it – being an anti-narcotic act. Despite its few negative points (meaning artistic elements), basically the video is right.
At the present "Me and My Monkey" is working on a single, which will be on sale in the middle of March with a purpose of introduction it to the audience. It contains three tracks: "Efedrin", "Standing and Waiting" and "Its Coming Back". Logically, the way leads to the album, which as the single is going to be recorded in the "Studio One" or simply with George Gvarjeladze.
Gradually, music lovers can't find any extreme arguments against this project, if one doesn't try hard and like to lie. Honestly, it doesn't really have a sense me to discuss all their creative abilities and formulate some bias or subjective interpretations of their art here, as almost the full production of "Me and My Monkey" and the video as well, can be found on internet. You should just visit the nicely designed virtual space of the band, get into details, listen and watch. Follow the link: www.myspace.com/MeDaChemiMaimuni